Something more basic, more rigidly scripted
First, this project is an intellectual property with strong copyleft (no modification no distribution no commercial use) license. The whole project might end-up open as a share-alike, with a strong emphasis on the alike according to precise specs; especially regarding the functions simuating the characters moral standards / abuse regulations. (As we saw what Internet usually make of free ML chatbots, and even through this project doesn't involve ML at all, it's supposed to have strong reflexive functions and "react" to the manipulation of its data (like in Outcore). And we don't want to find this exact idea used to simulate moral and phyisical abuse of people, real or not.)
This is a little project, but a simpler, demo version working like a simple cyoa should be posted here or as an independent work in this manner.
The full version should be a Twine plot composed of three scripts
- one for the general functions and interface options,
- one for the (yan/tsun)dere character who is set in your care as a user for some whimsical pretend reason (poor thing),
- one for the (kuu)dere character (that will look out for the first character if you antagonize the first, or show rivalry (from competitivity to jealousy depending on the plot advancement) if you spoil both).
with pre-scripted landmarks stories/secret and personalities, able to follow player progression and adjust their vocabulary, current mood, trigger alinear plot events (like exceptions, check point of expectations met, or hidden Easter eggs found around their own code) and restituted when the plot asks for it). The plot is like that of a visual novel, but it is "aware" of it when you replay previous scenes to look out of for the clues you need to use on them to unlock each next chapter of the story.
A reversed Stanley Parable where you are the Narrator, the twin scripts/bots are like Stanley, and the Curator and The Line are one being who created them and plotted everything happeneing.
With ethical and moral active functions to limit players' cheat and trolling (simulated or not abuse won't be encoraged), through a system of morals/rules integrated in the low-machine learning processes.
Blame Outcore, MetaWere High School and The Stanley Parable Ultra Delux for this: depending of whether the player treat them right or wrong, the character with either admire or resent these games, as they 'know they are the inspiration for their present condition / "existence".
The idea is an interactive text story that has two Twine Scripts, both built like false-twin (male and female, or loyal good and chaotic good) tamagoshis interacting in 4th wall-breaking slice of life game simulations, with optional "dating" routes.
Each character of the game pretends to be aware of their condition (nature powers, limitations, environment) and the condition of their environment (main functions of the Twine API, if I don't do it on Twine) and speaking explicitly about those (unless when they try to hide them mindfully.
Each can interact with the other in addition to with you. This...
- should give me more means of narration;
- give you more perspective to explore the characters personality (additional routes);
- and give them more autonomy from you so that you don't take them for granted :p
Each character must have unique:
- speech patterns / idea associations (the way you phrase things can be understood differently, simulating cultural bias),
- morals / defensives measures / "laws of robotics" (in/tolerance for abuse) their way to protest is to cute access to some routes, and in case of serious abuse deny play for hours, or days, only providing the player with their technical data and the remaining time they will have to wait as the character sulk / ghost / gray rock them;
- ideals/likes (how they get to "love" (only simulated, the reward being how easily they respond) or "hate" (only simulated the effect being how many errors and resistance from they you'll meet) your guts, with actual consequences (silly exceptions raised when they fear or hate you)
Each of their trait must always be real part of their code, beyond narrative elements. If I find Twine modules or pre-processors that support implementing independent scripts. Otherwise, most of this will be more like a common simulation; just a pretend story of 4th wall breaking.
Adjusting the Orange/Blue Morale alias: sparing myself years of therapy in case I someday get the stupid idea of distributing the project
If such a game allowed a wide variety of choices, it might feel darker than I want. So I'll limit choices, give the bots harmless moderation functions to defend themselves.
Add some karma system too that might bring the AIs to complot against you.
I need to figure out a karma system and implement an equivalency of the 3 laws of robotics for players to play with. And adjust the tightness of that system to a level where I'm morally comfortable with (potentially, who knows) abusive players to try to break (will have to encrypt local files seriously if I don't want the bots/scripts modded into obedience) in order to alleviate the power unbalance between the player and the characters; and keep my sanity and avoid the complex of Frankenstein.